Get a medical licence
All physicians must be registered through the Yukon Medical Council to practice medicine in the Yukon. You can apply to be included in the following registers.
Medical (family) / Medical Specialist Licence
There are 2 streams to apply to practice independently as a family physician:
- Already Independently licenced in another Canadian Jurisdiction? You may apply for the CFTA license: Apply here.
- Hold LMCC and FFCP or RCPSC certification but not currently licenced in Canada (ie: new graduate) Apply here.
Locum Licence (NEW)
Apply to practice independently as a locum for a family physician or a medical specialist. Apply here.
** The locum licence is valid for one 3-month period per licensing year and cannot be renewed or extended. If you are planning to do various locums throughout the year, you must apply to be on the Medical or Medical Specialist Registers.
Educational register
Apply if you’re a medical student or post-grad (resident) and have the support of your university to complete an elective in the Yukon. Apply here.
Administrative register
Apply if you intend to practice medicine in an administrative capacity. Email
Courtesy register
Apply if you are participating in research or an education program, are providing services to members of a delegation visiting the Yukon, or are practicing medicine temporarily in the Yukon as a member of the Canadian Forces. Email
Emergency register
Emergency licences can be issued under limited circumstances. Email
Limited practice registers
We do not currently accept applications for limited family practice or limited specialist practice licences. International medical graduates (IMGs) must secure a full medical licence in another jurisdiction before applying for registration in the Yukon.