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LOCUM LICENCE (Medical Family / Medical Specialist)

* (available to CFTA applicants only)

** The locum licence is valid for one 3-month period per licensing year and cannot be renewed or extended. If you are planning to do various locums throughout the year, you must apply to be on the Medical or Medical Specialist Registers.

About job opportunities in the Yukon 

The Yukon Medical Association advertises job and locum opportunities for physicians in the Yukon.

Licensing process

Locum licences will be processed within 10 days of receipt of a completed application including supporting documents.

  1. Create a profile using the online licensing portal.
  2. Apply for a locum licence by following the steps under the “Licensing” tab.
  3. You will be required to submit the following supporting documentation:
    • A certificate of standing from your home jurisdiction – this must be submitted to us directly from the regulator.

The documents listed below must be uploaded to your online profile in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

    • Proof of completion of the Yukon First Nations 101 course. You must complete this course in order to obtain a licence in the Yukon.
    • Proof of CMPA insurance indicating coverage in Yukon.
    • A copy of a Canadian government-issued identification (e.g., passport)  
  1. As soon as all documents are uploaded you must submit an online application.
  2. Once all certificates of professional conduct are received by our office then we will review your application. Delays can occur due to the amount of time it takes to receive the certificates by our office.
  3. If approved, we will email you confirmation and you can pay your fee online. Once your payment has been processed your licence will be released.
  4. This license is valid for 1 three-month period with the licencing year (April 1 - March 31) and cannot be renewed.

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